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Danielle Delgado

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      My dream party in heaven would be full of funk, classic house, and remixes of familiar tunes everyone knows.  But since heaven presumably would be eternal, there would be plenty of room for all of the deep house, future house, tech house, progressive house, electro, hip-hop, jazz, soul, world, garage, indie, disco, reguetón, lounge, oldies, and decade-specific music I've collected and curated over the years. Since genre labels mean different things to different people, if this was your event, we'd talk about it!

     I  say I'm  'genre-fluid,' meaning that when left to my own devices, I try to weave together music of all kinds that amounts to an experience for a group, not a display of how much I can turn knobs and press buttons. Beyond layering with loops & samples, I otherwise like to let the music speak for itself.  I am committed to providing the sophisticated, smart mixing of diverse elements (either by request or by my design), with the aim of creating a surprising alchemy that can bring people together. That said, it's easy enough to arrange whatever kind/s of music your occasion assigns!


    * (I am also able to supply voice acting work remotely, having a recording space at home, a Rode NT-1 mic w/ shock mount and pop filter, an sE Electronics SPACE (Specialized Portable Acoustic Control Environment) iso-shield, and Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 audio interface. Currently using Audacity and/or Twisted Wave to record and edit.)


More mix samples of different types on the way...!
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